Namibian Broadcasting Corporation

Type Public Broadcaster
Branding NBC
Country  Namibia
First air date May 1979
Availability  Namibia
 South Africa
Founded The NBC was established in line with the Namibian Broadcasting Act, Act 9 of 1991.
Owner Government of Namibia
Former names South West African Broadcasting Corporation
Television NBC
  • National Service (English)

Language Services:

  • Afrikaans
  • Damara/Nama
  • German
  • Oshiwambo
  • Otjiherero
  • Rukavango
  • Tirelo yaSetswana
  • Silozi
  •  !Ha
Official website Namibian Broadcasting Corporation

The Namibian Broadcasting Corporation is the public broadcaster of Namibia.

It was established in 1990, replacing the South West African Broadcasting Corporation.



In November 1969, South Africa's state broadcaster, the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) began FM radio services in Namibia, then known as South West Africa, including Radio Ovambo, broadcasting in the Kwanyama and Ndonga languages, and also Radio Herero and Radio Damara Nama.

The introduction of Radio Kavango along the northeastern border with Angola followed in February 1976 in the Kwangan, Mbukushu and Jeiriku languages. However, the SABC relinquished control of these services in May 1979, when the South West African Broadcasting Corporation (SWABC) known in Afrikaans as Suidwes-Afrikaanse Uitsaaikorporasie came into being.

The SWABC's television service was introduced in 1981, comprising a mix of SABC programming (pre-recorded on cassettes) and local programming in English, Afrikaans and German. Following the establishment of the NBC in 1990, the channel began broadcasting entirely in English. In June 2009, NBC television established a weekly German news magazine produced by the radio department's NBC German Service, which was given another programme slot due to its immediate success within the German-speaking community. An Afrikaans programme is currently planned as well.

Albertus Aochamub


The NBC operates one 24 hour radio station in English and nine so-called language-services that broadcast between 10 and 15 hours per day in Afrikaans, Damara and Nama, German, Oshiwambo, Otjiherero, Rukavango, Tirelo yaSetswana, Silozi and !Ha.[1]


The NBC operates a single television channel, primarily in English, but with some programming in German and indigenous languages. It had a monopoly on free-to-air television in Namibia until 2008, when One Africa Television, a new privately owned television station was launched.

External links


  1. ^ Rothe, Andreas (2010): Media System and News Selection in Namibia, p.41-53